July 4th 2023 Blue Fin
The Blue Fin are here and lots of them. Our 2 anglers boated 3 Blue Fin that were all over 100lb with the biggest going 165 and the other two 130/140 ea. we almost had limits but we had one that pulled the hook. If you want to catch a fish of a life time give me a call or text at 408-348-4866
April 9th 2023
With Salmon season closed for the 2023 we will be switching over to Rock cod and later in the season we will be offering trips for Albacore and Blue Fin trips
Rock cod season opens May 1st out of Sant Cruz and May 15th out of HMB. You have the option of fishing out of either harbor. Call or Text me and book the day or days you would like to fish. 408-348-4866
February 27th 2023
Please read we need everyone’s support it looks like we may not get a salmon season this year if we do it will be a short one
October 10th 2022
The Blue Fin are out of Santa Cruz and HMB so we can fish out of either harbor I have room wednesday the 10th and this coming weekend. Give me a call or text at 408-348-4867
June 18th Salmon Limits
Today our 4 anglers were rewarded with early limits of salmon to 20lbs excellent day. We have great weather Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday this coming week and we have lots of room give me a call or text at 408-348-4866
April 28th
I just had a cancellation for Friday 4/29 salmon bite continues to be wide open need 2 min to go give me a call or text at 408-348-4866
April 24th Limits Santa Cruz
Today we had early limits fir everyone the salmon bite continues to be wide open. Give me a call or text to make your reservation. 408-348-4866
April 21st Salmon Limits
Today we boated 3 limits of salmon to 15lbs by 11:30 took me awhile to get located but once I hit the spot we started off with a triple and it was over soon, great day on the water. I have room this Sunday and every day next week give me a call or text at 408-348-4866
April 18th Salmon Limits
Today our 3 anglers boated limits of salmon before 10am great day on the water
April 15th Salmon
Today our 3 anglers caught 3 salmon
April 11th Salmon
We are finally getting a break in the weather I have Wednesday 13th and Saturday 16th open i will be heading back up to HMB give me a call or text at 408-348-4865
April 7th HMB LIMITS
Today was a great day of salmon fishing early limits by 10am 8 fish to 17lb have plenty of room give me a call or text at 408-348-4866
April 4th Salmon Report
Sunday 3rd our party of 3 boated 1 salmon to 13lb and lost 2, tough day pretty everyone today they were off the bite
Saturday 2nd opening day our party of 4 boated 6 salmon to17 lbs released 4 shakers and had a lot of missed chances for limits. I have two spots left for Thursday and Friday.
There are a lot of fish out of HMB also. I can fish either Santa Cruz or HMB your choice give me a call or text at 408-348-4866
March 15th 2022
Salmon season will open on April 2nd For both Monterey Bay and HMB. We will be fishing out of Santa Cruz or HMB Depending on where the fish are. I’m booked opening weekend have the 4,5th open 2 spots left for 7, 8th and still have Sunday the 10th open and open days during the week give me a call or text to make your reservation 408-348-4866
February 14th 2022
We are now taking reservations for the up coming SALMON Season thats scheduled to open Saturday April 2nd. Give us a call or text me at t 408-348-4866 to book your trip.
September 26th Salmon
Today our 3 anglers caught 2 salmon.The Blue Fin are showing up I will be running BF trips out of Santa Cruz and salmon/BF trips out of HMB call or text me at 408-348-4866
September 12th Salmon Limits
Today our 2 anglers boated 4 salmon to 20lbs and one for the captain. I have lots of room this coming week call or text me at 408-348-4866
August 2nd
Taking a few weeks off had surgery last Friday to repair a groin hernia if all goes as plan I will be back on the water by the 14th of August.
I’m also getting ready to chase albacore in September out of Fort Bragg
July 29th
Today our private charter boated 2 salmon to 24lbs and we had BM plenty of chances for limits
July 24th
Our party of 3 boated 3 salmon and released 6 shakers. I have Wednesday 28rh open and Saturday the 31st. give me a call or text at 408-348-4866
July 17th Salmon
Today our 4 anglers boated 4 salmon
July 11th
today our 4 anglers boated 4 salmon to 10lb released 15 shakers and 5 silvers. Tsalmon bite has picked up out of Santa Cruz we have the option to fish out of Santa Cruz or HMB
Next availability is July 13,14,15 and 18th call or text me at 408-348-4866
July 9th
Today we ran across or 4 anglers boated 2 salmon to 8lb
July 8th
Our private charter 2 anglers boated 1 salmon to 8 lbs
July 5th Salmon Limits
today our private charter boated 6 salmon to 18lbs Have lots of room this coming week call or text me at 408-348-4866
July 4th Limits
Our 3 anglers boated 6 salmon to 17lb and 2 for the captain.
July 2nd Salmon
Today our 4 anglers boated 5 salmon to 15lbs I have July 6,8,9,10,11th open call or text me at 408-348-4866
July 1st salmon limits
4 anglers 8 fish to 10lb I have room July 3rd and plenty open dates next week call or text me at 408-348-4866
June 26th salmon
Today we covered a lot of water trying to get located. Our 3 anglers boated one 20lb fish.
we will be back out on Monday call 408-348-4866 to make a reservation
June 14th Salmon
Today our party of 3 boated 3 salmon to 15lb and had plenty of chances for limits. I have the 18th, 19th 20th open this coming week and plenty of room the following week call or text me at 408-348-4866
All of my current reports are on my Facebook page from May 24th forward.
May 23rd
Today our 4 anglers boated 3 salmon to 15lb and released 4 shakers
May 22nd
Today our 4 anglers boated 4 salmon
May 16th Limits
today our private charter boated 8 salmon to 26lbs and the captain got his 2 also. I have plenty of room this week call or text me at 408-348-4866
May 15th
our party of 3 boated 3 salmon
May 13t Salmon Limits
today no our party of 3 boated 6 salmon with the two biggest going 18 and 20lbs and released 6 shakers have lots of room next week
May 11th Salmon Report
Our party of 4 boated 4 salmon to 10lb released 12 shakers and 1 silver and we had plenty of chances for limits. I have Thursday and Friday open give me a call or text at 408-348-4866
May 9th
The winds are finally coming down and we will be back on the water tomorrow in look for salmon. I have Wednesday Thursday Friday open this week. Give me a call or text at 408-348-4866
Please visit my Facebook page for updated reports if I have not posted a report here.
April 27th Santa Cruz salmon limits
Another great day our party of 4 boated limits of salmon to 15lb. We will be back out in the morning
April 24th Salmon Limits
another great day our charter boated limits of salmon to 18lbs My next availability is May 4th 5th 6th, 10th Call or text me at 408-348-4866
April 23rd Salmon Limits
Weather was good swell came down and the fish were biting. Our private charter boated limits of salmon to 13lbs plus 2 for the captain. I have 2 spots that just opens up on Wednesday 28th and plenty of room in May call or text me at 408-348-4866
April 21st Salmon
Today our private charter of 2 boated 2 salmon. Our score could of been better if we had better weather.
April 14th
today we went looking up the coast to what we could find, our private charter boated 3 salmon and lost one
April 13th
today was a tough day the jelly fish was thick and the salmon were not biting
April 11th Salmon Limits
Our party of 3 boated limits of Salmon to 16lb. Taking Monday off and Tuesday looks like the weather is not going to cooperate. The only dates I have available for April are 27th and 30th 4 seats and 28th 2 seats lot of room in April. Call or Text me at 408-348-4866
April 10th Salmon Limits
Today our party boated limits Of salmon to 16lb by 8:30 another great day of salmon fishing.

April 6th Santa Cruz Salmon Limits
Another great day our party of 4 boated 8 Salmon and 1 for the captain. If your looking trip to catch a salmon call or text me 408-348-4866
April 4th Santa Cruz Salmon Limits
Today our private party celebrated Easter with limits of Salmon before 9:30am plus 2 for the captain. We have the following dates available this week 9th, 11th and plenty of room week of the 12th call or text me at 408-348-4866
April 3rd Salmon Report
our party of 4 boated 7 salmon to 17lbs and released to shakers and had another 5 come unbutton. I have plenty of room this week call or text me at 408-348-4866
March 22nd
Salmon season will open April 3rd south of Pigeon Pt. I’ll be fishing out of Santa Cruz April,, May and June the moving back to HMB end of June when the season opens North of Pigeon Pt for the remainder of the season. I’m already booked opening weekend and have plenty of room during the week give me a call or text 408-348-4866
March 8th Update
Salmon Season Opens April 3rd we are now taking reservations call or text me at 408-348-4866
October 17th Salmon
our party of 2 boated 2 salmon to 27lbs. I have plenty of room this coming week and we will be running up to the Marin coast. Give me a call Or text at 408-348-4866
October 15th Salmon
Today our party boated 2 salmon to 23lbs I have 2 spots open for Saturday 17th and Tuesday 20th. Call or text me at 408-348-4866
October 8th Salmon Limits
Today our party of 3 boated Limits of salmon to 18lbs. We have plenty of room this weekend and next week give us a call or text at 408-349-4867
October 7th Salmon
Today our party of 2 boated 3 salmon to 18lb and lost a few so we had some miss opportunities for Limits.
October 4th Salmon
This is the time of year the big salmon show up. We have plenty room this coming week give us a call or text 408-348-4866
August 15th Salmon Limits
Today our party boated limits of salmon in flat calm seas. I have 18th,19th, and 20th open this week give me a call or text at 408-348-4866
July 18th Limits
Today we found what we were looking for Limits of salmon to 14lbs by noon. I will be taking a few days off and back on the water on Thursday. These are the only days I have available for July 29th, 30th plenty of room in August.
July 17th
After taking a few days off due to weather we were back out today. Our private party boated 1 12lb salmon and lost another one.
July 13th HMB
Today our party of 2 boated 3 Salmon to 10 lbs. Next available dates 24th,27,28,29,30,31. call or text me at 408-348-4866
July 10th HMB Salmon Limits
today was one of those days you should of been here 3 Limits by 9am doesn’t get any better. Call or text me at 408-348-4866
July 8th, 9th HMB Salmon Limits
Salmon fishing has been excellent last 2 days limits both days to 20lbs, plus limits for the captain doesn’t get any better. These are the days I have open for July 13,14,18,19,23,27,28,29,30,31 call or text me at 408-348-4866
July 4fh HMB
Salmon fishing continues to be good with limits. I have the following days available, 1 spot for Wednesday 8th, 12, 13, 14, 19, call or text me at 408-348-4866
June 27th HMB Salmon
Today we had our chances for limits, we end the day one fish short of limits with the biggest one going 19lbs. My next openings are July 4th through the 9th. Call or text 408-348-4866
June 22nd, 23rd, 25th HMB Salmon Limits
Sorry for the late report Salmon fishing has been excellent and we continue to get limits with fish up to 20lbs
June 18th,19th, 20th HMB Salmon Limits
Salmon fishing doesn’t get any better Limits last 3 days with fish to 23lbs. I have the following dates left for June, 26th, one spot 28th, 29th 30th plenty of room in July, Call or text me at 408-348-4866
June 14th HMB LIMITS
Today our party boated limits of salmon to 20lbs and 2 for the Captain. I’ll be taking a few days off due to the weather windy weather. My next availability is Friday 19th and one spot left for Sunday 21st call or text 408-348-4866
June 13th HMB Salmon LIMITS
Today our party boated limits of salmon to 16lbs. My next availability is Friday 19th and one spot left for Sunday 21st call or text 408-348-4866
June 12th HMB Salmon
today our party of 2 boated 3 salmon to 15lb I have Sunday 14th open and plenty of room next week call or text me at 408-348-4866
June 10th HMB Salmon
Today out party of 2 boated 3 salmon to 15lbs. call or text 408-348-4866
June 5th 2020 (Salmon)
Today our party of two boated one salmon and lost a couple of nice ones and released 5 shakers, weather was not the best but it was good to be back out on the water. I have plenty of room this month and I’ll be moving around from Santa Cruz or Half Moon Bay where the fish are. Please call or text me at 408-348-4866
June 3rd 2020
We finally got the green light to fish both Santa Cruz and HMB starting June 1st. I’ll be fishing out of HMB to start the season.
Covid-19 requirements Face masks will be required and social distancing. I will provide hand sanitizer and disinfectant for cleaning on the boat. No large coolers allowed on the boat only hand carried lunch cooler allowed. Boat and gear will be washed after each trip. so we will only be able to fish 2 passengers to start the season. Unfortunately I’ll have to charge $300 per person. All tackle and gear will be supplied at no extra cost. Give me a call or text and make your reservation 408-348-4866
March 11th
Just got my boat back today after 7000 hrs figured it was time for a new motor. We are ready to go and will be fishing out of Santa Cruz. We are booked for the opener April 4th, 5th have plenty of room during the week give me a call or text at 408-348-4866
March 3rd
We are now taking reservations for the up coming Salmon season opens April 4th. We are currently booked on Opening Day April 4th and Sunday 5th. We have plenty of room rest of month give us a call at 408-348-4866
Sept. 29th
We finally have good weather this coming week. I have plenty of room this week and I will be offering Salmon or Rock Cod trips, if we get good weather off shore I’ll be running albacore trips. Call or text me at 408-348-4866
Sept. 24th Salmon
Today the bite was slow our group boated 2 Salmon to 18lbs. I have the 27th, 28th, 29th open give me a call or text 408-348-4866
Sept. 22nd runnSalmon Limits
Today our charter boated limits of Salmon to 15lbs I have plenty of room this coming week call or text me at 408-348-4866
Sept. 21st Salmon
Today our private charter boated 1 15lb salmon and they had a lot of missed opportunities.
Sept. 18th Albacore
Today at the last hour I took a couple of friends and we went searching for albacore and made the run outside the Gumdrop. We found the fish and ended the day with 8 tuna, could of had more but we had a lot of short strikes can’t remember having this many. If they all would of stuck we would of ended the day with 20 Plus. Good thing we had plenty of action. The off shore weather is not good for the next 5 days so we will go back to Salmon fishing. Wednesday 25th looks like the weather will cooperate for tuna for those of you interested..
I have salmon openings for the 19th, 20th and 2 spots for the 22nd call or text me at 408-348-4866
Sept. 14th, 15th Salmon
15th, Today is was a tough day on the salmon grounds our private party hooked a couple of nice salmon and boated one.
14th, Today was a slow day our private party hooked 2 shakers that we released.
Sept. 8th Salmon
Today we had windy conditions so we did not venture off to far our private charter hooked 5 fish and we only boated one if we would of had better conditions possible we would of done a lot better. I have plenty of openings this week give me a call or text at 408-348-4866
Sept 7th Salmon
Today we went looking and covered a lot of water our private charter hooked one fish and it came off not a good day
August 31st Fort Bragg Albacore
Just got back from Fort Bragg fished 4 days Aug. 26th,27,28,and 29th. We had a great trip plugged the boat each day and everyone was happy doesn’t get any better. If the weather cooperates in September I”ll be going back up for one more trip. Scores were in the mid 20’s to low 30’s each day. Now back to salmon fishing.
Aug. 23rd Salmon
Today we headed north and the south winds came up and we stuck it out in 20kt S winds and our private charter boated 4 salmon to 18lbs and lost a few more it was tough fishing in the slop otherwise we would of probably limited today. We are going to try to get back out in the morning the forecast is for 15/20kts winds we will see what it looks like in the morning. I have Tuesday Aug. 27 open for Albacore out of Fort Bragg if your looking to get tuna now is the time to go. I will be there Monday 26th through the 30th. Tuesday is the only day I have open. Call or text me at 408-348-4866
Aug. 21st Salmon
today was our first day back out and our private charter boated one 8lb salmon and lost another 3. I have 2 spots open for Saturday 24th. Ilost be in Fort Bragg next week fishing albacore I have 3 spots left for Tuesday 27th booked rest of week. Call or text me at 408-348-4866
August 19th 2019 Back Up and Running
Just to let everyone know my boat has been repaired we did a test run yesterday and final inspection today. I will be back on the water tomorrow and will report when we get in. I had a cancellation on the 21st, and have the following days this week 22nd, 24th, 25th and have plenty of room next week. If the weather forecast holds and if there is enough interest, I will set up camp at Fort Bragg on Saturday 24th for Albacore please give me a call or text at 408-348-4866
Just to let everyone know I’m currently down until I get my boat back from the shop. I was hit from behind by a car while I was stopped in traffic and my outboard motor went through the hood and front grill of the car who hit me. I’m currently canceling upcoming trips a week in advance and will continue to do so until I get more information when my boat will be repaired. You may also call or text me at 408-348-4866 and still make a up coming reservation
July 25th HMB Limits
For those of you who did not show up this morning you missed out on a day to remember and the guys at the dock thank you. Early LIMITS by 8:30 fish were 10/15lb. Doesn’t get any better. Call or text me at 408-348-4866
July 23rd Santa Cruz Limits
We got our ass kicked today from the 18/20kt winds out of the NW but we still managed to get limits for our private charter. I’ll be back up in HMB tomorrow due to the wind forecast 11 miles strait out in the canyon. I have 2 spots left for each on 26th, 29th,30th and 31st still open if you want to catch salmon, Call or text 408-348-4866
Roger with his 2 fish limit.
July 21st Santa Cruz Limits
Went to Santa Cruz today and it paid off our private charter of 4 boated 8 fish from 15-25lbs and the captain got his 2 also. Doesn’t get any better best grade of fish this year. If you want to get in on the big fish bite give me a call or text at 408-348-4866, have these dates available in July 25th 3 spots, 26th 2 spots 27th,30,31.
July 20th HMB
Today our private charter boated 7 salmon to 15lbs plenty of opportunities for limits. These are the dates I have open for July 23,25,27,30,31 call or text 408-348-4866
July 19th HMB Limits
Another fantastic day on the salmon grounds our charter boat limits of salmon to 17lb. Call or text me at 408-348-4866 and book your trip today
July18th HMB Limits
We were back on the water today after taking a few days off. Our charter boated limits of salmon 10-17lb plus the captain got his two another epic day. I have the following dates open next week 23,25,27th Call or text 408-348-4866
July14th HMB Limits
Another great day on the salmon grounds our private charter boated limits of salmon to 17lbs and one for the captain. I’ll be taking the 15th,16th off then my next opening is July 18th. Call or text me at 408-348-4866
July13th HMB Limits
With the weather on the outside not good we went looking on the inside and found what we were looking for. Our charter boated limits of salmon to 22lbs and the captain got his 2 also. Another great day of fishing. My next opening is July 18th and 21st call or text me at 408-348-4866
July 9th HMB Limits
Our charter of 4 boated limits plus 2 for the captain great day on the water I have room tomorrow and good weather.I have lots of room this week 10th,11th, 12th and 2 spots on the 13th. Give us a call or text at 408-348-4866
July 7th Santa Cruz
Today we were one fish shot of limits biggest fish going 22lb. I’ll be moving back up to HMB on the 9th. I have lots of room this week call or text 408-348-4866
July 6th Santa Cruz
todsy the bite was a little slower our group of 4 boated 4 salmon to 15lb
July 5th Santa Cruz
Today we got 4 fish from 12/18lb for 3 people, had our chances for limits. I have Sunday the 7th open and 2 spots on the 9th if your looking to get a big fish give us a call or text at 408-348-4866
July 4th Santa Cruz Limits
Today they were biting we have limits from 10-17lb. I’ll be back out in the morning call or text 408-348-4866 and let go fishing
July 3rd Santa Cruz
With the wind blowing up north we decided to see what we could find out of Santa Cruz. 5 salmon for 3 people and I lost count of the number of fish dropped. Fish were 12/17 lb. Once the winds come down we have two options Santa Cruz or HMB our next Availability 7th call or text 408-348-4866
June 30th Limits
Great day our charter boated limits of salmon 8-17lbs. These are the dates I have open this week 5th 2 seats, 7th, 8th, 9th 3 seats give us a call and we will do our best to put you on the fish 408-348-4866
June 29th Salmon
Today was a good day we stopped early with 5 fish from 6-15lbs. Our husband and wife only wanted 3 fish, short day. I have 2 spots for July 5th next opening is July 7th call or text 408-348-4866
June 28th Salmon
Our party of 4 boated 5 salmon today
June 26th Salmon
Today our private charter of 3 decided they wanted to come in early the boated 4 salmon to 12lb, and lost 5 more. Only availability this month is June 30th 2 spots left. July, 1st 3 spots, 4th open 5th 3 spots Call or text 408-348-4866
June 25th Limits Salmon
Another great day limits fish to 17lb
Today once we got located it didn’t take long our private charter boated limits to 18lb. I have 25th, 27th, 29th, 30th open if you want to get in on the wide open action give me a call or text at 408-348-4866
June 22nd HMB
Today our private charter boated 3 Salmon to 20lb and lost a few along the way. Tomorrow we will go looking and try to stay out of all the boat traffic. Open dates for the rest of the month are 25th, 27th, 29th and 30th. Call or text me at 408-348-4866
June 21st HMB
Today our party of 3 boated 2 salmon that were 10and 15lb and another one came off. They called it early today after the 2 fish. Open dates for the rest of the month are 25th, 27th, 29th and 30th. Call or text me at 408-348-4866
June 16th HMB Limits
Another great day Limits of Salmon plus the Captains 2 fish better grade from 12-18lbs . Call or text 408-348-4866
Fished out of HMB and went south today, our party of 4 boated limits (8) salmon from 8-20lbs. I have Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday open this coming week and we have great weather give me a call or text at 408-348-4866
June 9th Santa Cruz
Our charter was one fish short of Limits today they had plenty of chances for limits. I have Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday open. Friday and Saturday 2 spots left each day this week. Call or text me at 408-348-4866
June 8th LIMITS Santa Cruz
Today we had good weather in Santa Cruz took a few hours but once we got located it didn’t take long. Our party boated limits to 22lb with the average 14lb good grade of fish. I have 2 spot left for 6/9 Sunday if you would like to get in on the action call or text me at 408-348-4866 hove plenty of room this coming week.
After being off the water for a month we were back out today and we found what we were looking for SALMON limits by 9:30 to 20lbs. We will be back out in the morning. I have plenty of room this week and availability this coming weekend call or text me at 408-348-4866
May 28th Update
We are back up and running and will be fishing out of HMB starting June 1st. We have plenty of room this week and next week give me a call or text at 408-348-4866
I blew a oil seal on my motor parts are on order.If all goes as plan I’ll be up and running next Wednesday or Thursday
April 30th Limits
Our private charter boated limits by 9 am today another great day
April 29th Salmon LIMITS
Today we went looking for some bigger fish took us a while to get located. Our charter boated 4 limits of big salmon to 22 lbs gutted and gilled. we will be back out in the morning then taking a couple days off. Call 408-348-4866
April 28th Salmon
Today we can in early due to one person being sick, our private charter did manage to get 4 salmon to 12lbs
April 27 Limits Salmon
Today our private charter boated limits by 10am to 13lb another great day.
April 26th Limits Salmon
Our charter boated 5 Limits (Salmon) to 17lb by 10am doesn’t get any better
April 25th Salmon Limits
Now is the time to go Salmon fishing 5 Early Limits to 16lb. My next availability is May 3rd, 6th 2 spots, 7th, 8th 3spots, 9th 3spots, 11th, 12th Call or text me at 408-348-4866
April 24th Salmon Limits
Another great day our charter boated limits of salmon the high liner of the day we had a triple and double back to back and 5 fish in the boat by 7:10. Doesn’t get any better. Didn’t have everyone at the boat so we got FG to hold a couple.
April 23rd Salmon Limits
Our charter boated 4 limits of salmon today by 10:30. Fish were 8-13lbs. I’m completely booked for April plenty of room in May. Call or text me at 408-348-4866
April 22nd Salmon Limits
Another great day 8 limits by 10am biggest fish going 18lbs. We have only April 29th open this month. Call or text 408-348-4866
April 21st Salmon Limits
Another great day, Our private charter boated 5 limits by 9:30 am. Using PRO TROLL GREEN HORNET FLASHER. Have 3 spots on Wednesday and 4 spots on Thursday Call or text me at 408-348-4866
April 20th Salmon Limits
Weather was not the greatest today, our charter boated limits plus 2 for the captain and we were done at 10am. Fish were in the 8/12lb range.
April 19th Salmon Limits
Another epic day, our private charter boated limits of Salmon. We have the following days open 23rd 2 spots, 24th 3 spots, 25th, 29th and 30th for April. Give me a call or text at 408-348-4866
April 18th Santa Cruz Salmon Limits
0Another great day 5 limits and they were on the munch, and our charter lost just as many. Fish were 8/14lb. Give me a call or text at 408-348-4866
April 15th Santa Cruz Salmon
Today our private charter was 1 fish shy of getting limits. Lost a few and released a few shakers. Wind came up early today and the bite shut off. Have room Wednesday and Saturday this coming week call or text me at 408-348-4866. Lot of people have been asking me what I have been catching my fish on. I have been using the PRO TROLL 11″ Green Hornet, 11″ Glow Red, 11″ Light Glow Green Flashers with Green White, Purple Haze Hoochies. The 8″ flasher also work. Support PRO TROLL they make an excellent flasher and Watermelon and Cop Car, E-Lure.
April 13th Santa Cruz Salmon Limits
After taking 4 days off due to the weather we were back out looking for salmon today and the fish were biting. We boated 4 Limits by 11:30 fish were 10/15 lb the grade is getting better. We have been fishing the Santa Cruz side of the bay since the opener. I have the 17th, 20th open this week. If you want to get in on the hot bite give me a call or text at 408-348-4877
April 8th Santa Cruz Salmon Limits
Another great day our private charter boated limits of Salmon plus the Captain got his 2 fish. Fish were 7-14lb today. I will be taking the next couple days off due windy weather. I have room this coming weekend and next week give me s call or text at 408-348-4866
April 7th Santa Cruz Salmon Limits
We started off where we left off yesterday only had 2 drive by’s. It was 10 am and a small fleet so we went looking on the inside in 175′ of water and they were biting. Our private charter boated limits of Salmon plus the Captain got his 2 fish. Fish were 8-12lbs. Another all some day and again we were all by our selves. There are a lot of fish in the bay. We will be back out in the morning. If you want to get in on the hot salmon bite give me a call at 408-348-4866
April 6th Santa Cruz Salmon Limits
Took is a couple hrs to get located but we found the fish and boated 4 Limits to 8 lb. We lost just as many and released a bunch of shakers. Great day and we were the only boat in that area. Call or text me to book your trip 408-348-4866
April 2nd Salmon season opens in 3 more days we are booked opening weekend we have 8th, 9th, 10th, 3 spots left, 12th, 2 spots left. Get in on the early action and book your trip today call or text me at 408-348-4866
March 19th Salmon season opens April 6th Monterey Bay and April 13th HMB. I will be fishing out of Santa Cruz the first week and HMB for the opener. I’m booked on the 6th, 7th, 8th 3 spots left plenty of room rest of week Booked on the opener out of HMB on 13th. I will be fishing either Santa Cruz or HMB depending where the fish are after the 13th. Give me a call or text me at 408-348-4866
October 26th Salmon Today our private charter boated one salmon that was 29lb and we lost another 4 hogs, they just didn’t want to stay on. I have the last two day of the salmon season available Tuesday 30th and Wednesday 31st the last day. Give me a call or text at 408-348-4866.
October 23rd Salmon Today we struggled and just could not get them to bite our private charter boated 2 salmon to 12lbs
October 21st Salmon Today we had Mother, Father and there two daughters age 5, 7. We put in a short day boating 2 salmon going 8 and 10lbs and loosing a few others. The kids had a great time watching the whales and mom and dad reeling in a couple of fish.
October 20th Salmon Limits Another fantastic day 5 Limits of Salmon to 10lb. Only 11 days left if you want to catch a salmon before the season ends give us a call or text 408-348-4866
These are the days I have open this month 22nd, 23rd 3 spots, 27th, 28th 29th, 30th 31st.
October 18th Salmon Limits Another great day 4 Limits to 12lb. Salmon season ends October 31st if you want to catch a salmon give us a call or text at 408-348-4866
October 17th Salmon Limits Salmon fishing was good today and I was able to run a second trip. We were able to get Limits if salmon on both trips plus the Captain got his two fish. Fish were 6-14lb and another fantastic day with happy customers. Next availability Sunday 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 26th, 27th, 28th. Call or text 408-348-4866
October 16th Salmon LIMITS Another great day of salmon fishing Limits by 9am to 15lb plus the captain got his 2 fish limit. Doesn’t get any better I’ll also run a 2nd trip for those that are interested. I have one spot left for Wednesday 17th and my next available day is Sunday the 21st call or text 408-348-4866
October 14th Salmon Went back to where we ended the day yesterday. Bite was a little slower today our private charter of three ended the day with 5 fish (one short of Limits) we had a few missed opportunities but that’s fishing. I have Wednesday and Thursday open this week call or text 408-348-4866
October 13th Salmon LIMITS After taking a few weeks off we were back on the water today looking for salmon. We decided to go looking and see what we could find our efforts paid off and we boated 4 limits plus 2. by 12:30. Fish were in the 8-18lb range. Have lots of room this coming week give me a call or text at 408-348-4866
October 8th Finally getting back on my feet and I’ll be running Salmon trips until the end of the season October 31st will be the last day for 2018. The salmon have finally showed up this last week in front of the harbor and a few miles up the coast. If your looking to catch a big salmon this is the time of the year they show up I have plenty room this month please give me a 408-348-4866
September 15th Salmon After having a flat calm sea on Friday we were greeted with 15/18 kt winds today and it was tough fishing. Our party ended the day with 3 fish with the two biggest fish going 22 and 24lbs. Open dates this week 19th,20th, and 21st call or text 408-348-4866
September 14th Salmon Today we had flat calm seas and a great group they ended the day needing two more fish for limits. Fish were 8-18lbs will be back out in the morning.
September 10th I’m back from taking some time off and the salmon bite is excellent on the Marin coast. I have these days open and we will make the run up to the Marin coast for those who are interested in fishing for big salmon this week, Wednesday 12th 4 spots, Friday 14th 2 spots left, booked for the weekend. Call or text me at 408-348-4866
August 29th Taking some time off to visit my mother in Ohio I’ll be back on September 5th. Next available days for Salmon or a Rock Cod trip Sept. 10,11,14, 16th. Call or text me at 408-348-4866
August 26th Salmon Today we went looking for salmon up off Pacifica our party of 3 boated one 15lb salmon. The salmon should be showing up in front of the harbor any day now. I’m going to be running Salmon trips for the big fish off the Marin coast. Have plenty of room this week offering Salmon and rock cod trips. Give me a call or text at 408-348-4866
August 20th Rock Cod The bite was slower today due to the swell half limits of cod and 5 lings 12-15lb. Have plenty of room this week and next week, I’ll also be running across to Dux for the salmon for those of you interested. If I can get a couple of people for tomorrow Wednesday 22nd I’m gonna run for tuna out of Santa Cruz where they were caught on Saturday if interested please call or text me at 408-348-4866
August 18th Rock Cod With the slow salmon bite we fish rock cod limits for 3 and 3 ling cod to 15lb
August 14th TUNA Today I went looking for tuna being the only boat it was like looking for a needle in a hay stack we got one double and a short strike. I have 2 spots for Tomorrow and 2 spots for Monday Call or text 408-348-4866
August 12th Limits Another great day 4 imits
August 11th Limits Another good day of Salmon fishing. Our private charter was rewarded with limits of salmon to 10lbs
August 10th Limits Our private charter had a great day 4 limits of Salmon to 12lb Next available opening is August 19th, 20th 2 seats left, 21st Call or text 408-348-4866
August 8th Limits Our private charter boated 4 limits of salmon to 15lb plus two for the captain. Took Thursday off last minute cancellation. If the weather holds I’ll be making a run off shore looking for albacore early next week. Call or Text 408-348-4866
August 7th Salmon Limits Today I decided that we would go looking instead of making the long run on the Marin side. It took us awhile but we finally got located around 10:30 and we found big fish. We had 4 limits going 8 to 27lb
August 5th
Today we fished the ch buoys our party of 3 boated 3 fish to 12lbs. They had plenty of chances for Limits.
August 3rd I’ll be back out in the morning looking for salmon, I have 2 spots just open up for Sunday if interested please give me a call or text at 408-348-4866
July 31st Due the windy forecast and sloppy conditions and not able to get where the fish are I have been canceling my trips on a day by day. We hope to get back on the water by Saturday . I have lots of room next week weather permitting. Call or text 408-348-4866
July 29th Limits 5 Limits to 26lb doesn’t get any better have Friday August 3rd open Call or Text 408-348-4866
July 27th LIMITS Today we had a private charter and it took us few hrs to get located, at 10:30 we put our first fish in at 11:45 we finished up with 3 limits with the 2 biggest going 18 and 20lb.
July 26th Limits Today we had to do a little searching since the fish move, once we got located we had 4 limits to 12lb by 11:30am. I have one seat available for Saturday 28th due to a cancellation. Next available dates, August 3rd,5th. Call or Text 408-348-4866 (FYI best way to get in touch with me during the day is to text me 408-348-4866)
July 24,25th Limits 24th 3 limits, 25th 4 Limits
July 22nd Limits Doesn’t get any better 5 limits, 6-12lbs by 11:30. I have July 30th, 4 spots and 2 spots left for July 31st those are the only 2 days left this month. Lot of room in August get your reservations in. Call or text 408-348-4866
July 21 Limits 4 limits to 15lb by 9:30 only days left this month are July 30,31st call or text 408-348-4866
July 20th Today it was blowing out of the south 18/20 kts but our party of 4 managed to boat 6 Salmon to 12 lbs
July 19 Limits Another great day 4 limits to 15lb lot of happy clients. These are the only dates and availability I have for July 25th 2 spots left, 26th 3spots left, 27th, 30th, 31st. Call or text me at 408-348-4866
July 17th Limits Today we had 4 limits to 33lbs by noon. I have openings the week of the 23rd call or text 408-348-4866
July 16th Salmon Our party of 4 boated 7 salmon to 18lbs just could not get the go home fish
July 15th Limits Today we caught 5 limits of Salmon by 11:30, if you want to catch a salmon now is the time to go. I had a cancellation on Tuesday July 17 so the 17th is open need 3 to go. I have 3 spots left for Wednesday 18th and 1 spot on the 19th. Call or text me at 408-348-4866
July 14th Today we went back to where we found the fish yesterday and we could not find bait or fish we spent the day looking and we ended up with a fish a rod. Have room July 17,18,19th this week call or text 408-348-4866
July 13th Limits Today we went looking and found what we were looking for our party of 4 boated Limits of Salmon to 15lb
July 10th HMB Salmon Limits The Salmon bite continues to be off the hook 4 limits by 8:45 today. I have two spots open for Thursday 7/12, and one spot left on Friday 7/13 then my next availability is July 17, 18, 19, 20th. If your looking to catch a salmon now is the time to go Call or Text me at 408-348-4866
July 9th HMB Salmon Limits It doesn’t get any better 5 limits by 7:45 am today. I had a cancellation on Thursday have 2 spots available. I also have 1 spot for 7/13. Give me a call or text me at 408-348-4866
July 6th HMB Salmon Limits Weather was not the best but managed to put in 5 limits of salmon to 18lb today. I cancelled Saturday’s trip due to very windy weather. Call or text 408-348-4866
July 5th HMB Salmon Limits Today we went south and our party was rewarded with limits of salmon to 12lbs
July 2nd HMB Salmon Today the bite was a little slower off Pacifica so we headed south hoping to find the promise land. Found some whales birds bait and some big fish, Our party of 3 ended the day with 5 Salmon going 15-31lbs we had plenty of chances for limits.
July 1st HMB Salmon Limits Another epic day 5 limits to 12lbs. Call or text 408-348-4866
June 30th HMB Salmon Limits Another great day on the water our party boated limits of salmon to 18lbs. Next openings are July 9th 12th, 13th, and 14th 3 spots call or text me at 408-348-4866
June 29th HMB Salmon Limits
Epic day 5 limits to 19lb by 9:30 doesn’t get any better.
June 26th HMB Salmon
Today it was slower and we had a hard time getting located our part boated 3 nice salmon
June 25 HMB Salmon Limits
Another epic day our party boated 5 limits of salmon to 27lbs
June 20th HMB Salmon Limits
Today the weather conditions was not the best we ended up loosing 12 fish But our private party still managed to get limits of salmon to 21lbs, another great day. I canceled Thursdays trip due to weather. Call or text 408-348-4867
June 19th HMB Salmon Limits
Our charter boated 4 limits of salmon to 17lbs
June 18th HMB Salmon Limits
Our party boated limits of salmon the and Captain got his 2 also. Fish to 23lbs with a solid 16lb average. We lost another 9 along the way. My next opening is Monday, Wednesday and Thursday next week please give me a call or text at 408-348-4866
June 14th, 16th Moss Landing Salmon
Saturday 16th our private charter boated one salmon, fishing was slow today Thursday 14th our private charter boated 2 salmon to 16lbs and released one shaker and lost a few
June 12th Salmon
Today the bite was slower and lot of boats compared to yesterday. Our private charter boated 3 nice salmon to16lbs and we released 2 more that were just undersize that we released to live another day. Have Saturday and lots of room next week. Call or text 408-348-4866
June 11th Salmon
It was a great feeling today to be back on the water chasing salmon with a couple of good friends on board. I fished out of Moss Landing boating 5 fish ranging from 12-18lbs and yes we dropped another 3. My new knee handled the trip with no issues just took a few minutes to get my sea legs back. I’ll be back out tomorrow and will report when I get in. The only opening I have left this week is Saturday June 16th plenty of room next week and I will be back in HMB for the salmon opener on The 17th. Call or text me at 408-348-486t6
June 7th Update
Just to let everyone know I’m ready to start fishing. There are some fish in Monterey Bay and I’ll be running trips out of Santa Cruz or Moss Landing starting Monday June 11th and moving back up to HMB on the 17th for the Salmon opener.
Have plenty of room next week if you want to fish for Salmon out of Santa Cruz or Moss Landing. Call or text me at 408-348-4866
April 15th
I saw the doctor on Friday my left knee is getting better. It will be another 3/4 weeks before I’ll be able to get back on the water. I’ll let everyone know when I get released hoping 2nd or 3rd week of May. Call or text me to make reservations 408-348-4866
October 31st
Today was the last day of Salmon season and we boated two nice Salmon going 18lbs, 26lbs nice way to end the season. I will be running Rock Cod Trips until the end of November, also if I get enough interest I’ll also be doing Crab/Cod combo these trips are $175 ea Call or text 408-348-4866
September 17th Salmon
After unsettled weather this last week we finally were able to get out for a day of Salmon fishing our party of 3 boated 5 Salmon to 13lbs just could not get that devil fish. Looks like its going to be windy next few days I have 21st and 22nd open call or text 408-348-4866.
September 10th Salmon
Today our private party of 3 boated 4 salmon to 15lbs. The boys age 14 and 15 were on it and no instructions needed for these two. They had a great time and I’m sure they had salmon for dinner. Call or Text 408-348-4866
September 9th Salmon
Today our private party of 2 boated 2 salmon to 13lbs
September 6th Albacore
Took a couple of friends and went looking for some albacore. South wind was not good today and we ended the day with one fish. I have the 12th, 14th,15th open next week. Call or text 408-348-4866
September 4th ALBACORE
Our charter of 4 boated 7 albacore to 18lbs
Call or text to book a trip
September 3rd Salmon
What a difference a day makes our party of 3 boated 1 salmon to 11lbs
September 2nd Limits SALMON
Today our charter boated limits of salmon plus 2 for the captain.
I’ll be running for tuna Wednesday 6th and Salmon or tuna on the Thursday 7th Call 408-348-4866
September 1st
Our party of 4 boated 6 salmon to 12lbs
August 31st
Our Party of 4 boated 5 salmon to 18lbs
August 27th
Today there was a lot of boat traffic, our party of 4 did manage to get 6 salmon to 12lbs and dropped a few more that came unbutton. My next opening for September are 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th for those of you looking for a weekend my only weekends available are Sunday 10th and 24th Call or text 408-348-4866
August 26th LIMITS 9:45 AM
Today our charter boated limits of salmon to 15lbs plus the captain got his two.
August 25th LIMITS
Today our charter boated limits (8) salmon to 15lbs.
August 24th Almost LIMITS
Today the seas were lumpy, our private party was 1 fish short of limits today. Fish were 10-12lbs. ICall or text 408-348-4866
August 23rd LIMITS
Today the salmon were on the bite. So we were able to do a afternoon trip. First group was back at the dock with limits by 10:30. Left the dock at 1 pm with the second group and back at 4:30 with limits plus my 2 fish, a day to remember. Fish were 8-20lbs
August 20th Salmon
Today we were greeted with a 18KT south wind and very sloppy seas. Our party of 4 did manage to boat 5 salmon to 18lbs, if we could of managed to get the ones that came unbutton due to weather conditions we could of had limits. Call or text 408-348-4866
August 19th LIMITS
Today our party of 4 boated limits of salmon with the 4 biggest fish going 15,16,20,23lbs Call or Text 408-348-4866
August 18th LIMITS
Today our private charter of 3 boated limits of salmon to 15lbs
August 16th HMB Salmon
Today our private party of 4 boated 5 salmon 8/12lbs and released one silver. I have the 25th open, call or text 408-348-4866
Taking 17th off due to a late cancellation
August 15th
Today it was windy and the Bite was a little slower our private charter for 3 boated 4 salmon to 25lbs
August 13th LIMITS
Another great day our party of 4 boated limits of Salmon to 13lbs.
Call or text 408-348-4866
August 12th LIMITS
Our party of 4 boated 4 limits of Salmon today 6-12lbs. The salmon fishing doesn’t get ant better. Call or text 408-348-4866
August 11th LIMITS
Today our party of 4 boated limits of salmon to 12lbs. My next openings for August 19,20 Call or text 408-348-4866
August 10th
Today we went looking for some bigger fish our party of 4 boated 6 salmon to 27lbs
August 8th
Today our party of 4 boated 7 Salmon to 12lbs. Had plenty of chances for limits taking Wednesday off . My next availability is August 14th calll or text me at 408-348-4866
August 6th Tuna
Back out on the tuna grounds today. We had a radio report that a couple of boat were getting tuna behind the Islands. Turned out there no boats or fish. Now we are on the hunt unfortunately today we could not find them. Weather is changing and we willlbe out looking for them next weather window
August 4th
Back out on the tuna grounds today we only got one today. Take another look on Sunday.
August 3rd LIMITS
Salmon bite is wide open our party of 4 boated limits of salmon to 15lbs. Call 408-348-4866
August 2nd LIMITS
Today our party of 4 boated limits of salmon to 29lbs by 11:30 another great day on the water
August 1st TUNA
Today I took a good friend of mine and we went looking for Albacore. We headed west and was rewarded with one Blue Fin and 7 Albacore. I’ll be running tuna trip when weather allows.
July 29th Limits
Our party of 4 boated limits of salmon
July 28th LIMITS
Today our charter boated 4 limits of salmon and one for the captain.
I have one spot left for Aug. 3rd, 2 spots for Saturday Aug. 5th and have Sunday Aug. 6th open call or text 408-348-4866
July 27th LIMITS
Today we ran two trips for 8 limits of salmon. Another great day of salmon fishing.
July 26th LIMITS
Took a little longer today but we were able to get 5 limits of Salmon to 15lbs today by 11am. I have Aug 1st. open, 2 spots Aug. 5th and 2 spots Aug. 6th
July 25th HMB LIMITS
Today we were heading back to the Harbor at 8:30am our charter Boated limits of Salmon and the captain got his limit also doesn’t get any better. Call or text me at 408-348-4866
July 24th HMB LIMITS
Today our private charter boated limits of Salmon by 8:45 plus the captains 2 fish. If you want to get on this hot bite give me a call. I have Thursday 27th open also this week call or text me at 408-348-4866
July 23rd HMB LIMITS
Another great day our party of 4 boated limits and the captain got his limits by 8:15am today, with the biggest fish going 28lbs.
The only days open this month are Friday 28th and lot of room in August. Call or text 408-348-4866
July 22nd HMB Salmon Limits
It just keeps getting better today our charter boated limits of salmon plus the captains limit by 8:30 am
Another great day our party of 4 boated limits of Salmon (8) from 10-18lbs by 11am. I have 3 spots left for tomorrow due to a cancellation today Call or text me at 408-348-4866
Today the weather was not kind but the fish were on the munch. Our private charter boated limits by 9:30 am all commercial grade salmon and the captain got his 2 also. Please give me a call or text at 408-348-4866 have plenty of room next wee also.
We were back out on the Salmon grounds today weather was not the best but the fish were biting. Our party of 4 hooked 23 salmon and boated 4 limits by 11:30 am plus the captain got his limit biggest going 23lbs. My next availability is the week of July 24th. Reminder commercial season opens August 1 now is the time to go call or text 408-348-4866
July 16th HMB Salmon
Today we did not have good weather but our party of 4 boated 6 salmon to 21 lbs. Lost several at the boat and released 2 silvers.
I cancelled Monday due to weather. I have 2 spots for Wednesday 18th, Friday 21st. Have Thursday 20th 4 seats.
Call or text 408-348-4866
Today we ran back to Pacifica and fished with the fleet. With so many boats pulled the gear at 9am we ran back south 25 miles and our party of 4 was rewarded with limits of 8 salmon to 15lbs and we lost our fair share also it was wide open. I have Wednesday trough Friday open next week call or text 408-348-4866
July 14th HMB
Today our party boated 6 nice Salmon and lost a few
July 12th HMB
Today our party of 4 boated 4 nice salmon
July 10th HMB Salmon Limits
Today our party of 4 boated limits (8) salmon going 8/12 lb . I have Thursday July 13th open call or text 408-348-4866
Today we went looking and it paid off our party boated Limits of salmon to 18lbs and released 4 shakers. Our next openings are the week of the 17th call or text 408-348-4866
July 8th HMB
Salmon fishing was a little slower today our party of 4 boated 4 nice salmon
July 7th HMB Salmon Limits
Another great day our private charter boated limits of salmon to 24lbs and one for the captain. I have two spots left for Sunday July 9th call or text 408-348-4866
July 6th HMB Salmon
It was good to be back on the water after taking a week off and visiting my mom in Ohio.
Our party of 4 boated 7 salmon to 18lbs and had plenty of chances to get limits. Call or text to book your trip
June 29th HMB Salmon Limits
Another epic day our party boated limits of salmon to 18lbs
I will be out of town until July 5th. I have July 8th, 9th open
Call 408-348-4866
June 28th Salmon Limits
It was another great day of Salmon fishing our private charter boated limits of Salmon to 16lbs. Call or text for reservations 408-348-4866
June 27th Salmon Limits
Sorry for the late report Salmon fishing has been good. Today our party of 4 boated limits (8) fish by noon and the captain got his 2 fish also. Fish were a very good grade going 12/25 lbs. I have room Thursday call or text 408-348-4866
June 26th Salmon
Today our party of 4 boated 2 salmon.
June 25th Salmon
Today our party of 4 boated 4 salmon to 21lbs.
June 24th Salmon
Today our party boated 5 salmon to 17lbs
June 19th HMB Salmon
Good weather fish were biting but we only boated a fish per rod (4)today to 18lbs. Had plenty of chances to get limits. I cant stress enough if you bring your own rod and gear make sure your drag is working and not sticking also that all your knots are tied correctly. call or text 408-348-4866
June 18th HMB Salmon LIMITS
Today our charter was rewarded with limits of salmon going 10/22 lbs plus captain got his two also. Doesn’t get any better next availability June 26th call or text 408-348-4866
June 10th HMB Salmon LIMITS
To today our charter boated limits 8 salmon to 23lbs. We will be taking Sunday and Monday off due to gusty windy conditions. Give us a call or text for reservations at 408-348-4866
June 7th HMB
Today we went looking and we found the fish. Our party boated 4 fish to 22lb we had plenty of chances to get limits next time. I had a cancellation for Friday June 9th if you interested in going Salmon fishing give me a call 408-348-4866
June 3rd HMB
Today the weather was not the best and the fish were not biting. Our party boated 1 15lb salmon. Call or text 408-348-4866
June 1st HMB Salmon Almost
Today we went looking to see if we could find another batch of fish and it paid off. Our party was one fish short of limits (5) and we had plenty of chances for the go home fish. Fish were 13/18lbs and they were hot. We cancelled Friday’s trip due to the weather forecast. Have plenty of openings next week call/text 408-348-4866
Today our party boated limits of salmon (8) with our biggest going 24lbs. We cancelled tomorrow’s trip to to the change in the weather forecast, wind back up. I have plenty of room this coming week give me a call or text at 408-348-4866
May 26th HMB
Today our charter boated a fish per rod and lost a few more . The bite is good. Give me a call or text at 408-348-4866
May 23rd
Today our private party of 3 boated 2 nice salmon with one going 16lbs. We had plenty of chances but the fish were not sticking today. I have room this coming Friday and plenty of room next week.
Call or Text 408-348-4866
May 21st HMB Salmon
Today we went north and our 3 anglers boated 5 salmon to 16lbs, and had a few that came unbutton. I have room Thursday, Friday and Sunday this coming week and we have great weather. Please give me a call or text at 408-348-4866
May 20th HMB Salmon
Today the salmon fishing was a little slower our party boated 2 salmon to 8lbs. Please give me a call or text at 408-348-4866
May 3rd Salmon
Today our charter hooked 6 fish and only put one in the boat. Just one of those days where they were not sticking.
April 30th Salmon
Another great day our party of 4 hooked 12 and put 4 in the boat and lost one to a seal. They just were not sticking today and came off after a few cranks on the reel just one of those days, fish went 10/15lbs. Have plenty of room this week and it looks like we will have good weather all week give me a call or text at 408-348-4866
April 29th Salmon
We finally got some good weather and we found the fish our party of 4 hooked 12 fish and put 7 in the boat going 12/17lbs. We will be back out in the morning.
April 24th Salmon
Today we went looking and our party boated one salmon going 19lbs . The Bite was a hit and miss today. Call or text 408-338-4866
April 23rd Salmon
Today our party of 4 boated one nice salmon and list a few others. Today’s weather did. The weatger did not cooperate and we were back at the dock before noon.
April 22nd Salmon
Today there were lots of boats and the Bite slowed way down due to all the pressure. Today our party hooked 3 salmon and put one in the box
April 21st Salmon
Today our party boated 4 salmon going 10/13 lb
April 19th Santa Cruz Salmon LIMITS
Went searching today and we finally got dialed in at 10:30, the good thing we were the only boat in that area. Our party of 4 hooked 14 salmon putting 4 limits in the box fish were 12/16lb. Just a reminder Commercial Season opens May 1st. Give me a call or text me at 408-348-4866
April 18th Santa Cruz Salmon
Our private party of 2 boated one nice salmon to 12lbs and lost another one. Back out in the morning and we are going to go looking to see what we can find.
April 17th Santa Cruz Salmon
The Salmon bite was slower today our party of 3 boated 3 nice salmon and another 2 came unbutton. Back out in the morning
April 16th Santa Cruz Salmon LIMITS
Great day on the water our party of 4 boated limits today of salmon going 12/17lb by 10am. I have 2 spots for tomorrow and my next available days Thursday, Friday and Saturday Call or text 408-348-4866
April 15th Santa Cruz Salmon
Today our party of 3 boated 4 Salmon to 15lbs and lost another 3 and released 10 shakers another good day on the water. I have 3 spots for Monday, 2 on Wednesday and lots of room the rest of the week. Call or text 408-348-4866
April 14th Santa Cruz Salmon
Fish were on the bite today we needed two more for limits. Weather chased us in early today. Call or text 408-348-4866
April 11th Salmon
Limits by 9:30 today. Have room Wednesday and Friday and next week call or text 408-348-4866
April 10th Salmon
Fished out of Santa Cruz today and we had a great day on the salmon our party was one fish short of limits. We will be fishing out of Santa Cruz until the bite improves out of HMB. Give me a call or text at 408-348-4866
April 9th Salmon
Today we fished out of Santa Cruz our party of 4 boated 3 nice salmon and lost a couple more. Wind came up early. Have plenty of room for the reminder of the month. Call or text 408-348-4866
April 5th Salmon
Today was our first trip out for the season and we fished out of HMB our charter of 3 boated 3 nice salmon to 15lbs and lost another 6 fish so we did have our chances for limits just one of those days. weather is iffy at best with this storm system pushing through we cancelled Saturdays trip have 2 spots for Sunday and plenty of room next week. We have the option of fishing Santa Cruz our HMB since there are fish in both areas. Give me a call or text and to book a trip 408-348-4866
March 31st
We cancelled our opening weekend salmon trips due to windy ocean conditions. Weather forecast looks good starting on Monday and we have plenty of room give us a call or text to make a reservations 408-348-4866
March 13th 2017
SALMON and ROCK Season opens on April 1st 2017. The PFMC will a
have there next(SALMON SEASON) meeting in April and will vote on one of the three alternatives for the remainder of the year which will go into effect on May 1st.
We are taking reservations for Salmon and Rock Cod so give us a call at 408-348-4866
December 23rd
I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
The season has come to a close for 2016 and I want to thank everyone for all the memories this year, hope to see all of you back in 2017
October 20th Tuna
Today we went looking for tuna out of Santa Cruz. Weather was not the best but we gave it a try. We ended the day with our prize fish being a 78lb Opha we did mark a few BFT but could not get them to bite. For those of you interest in chasing tuna give me a call or text at 408-348-4866
October 18th
The weather finally settle down and we went back off Mussel Rock where we had been getting limits of salmon. We had two scratched baits for our efforts. There is a school of big fish off Dux and we will make the trip for those of you interested. Call or text 408-238-4866
October 13th LIMITS
It was another great day of salmon fishing and they were on the munch. Our party boated limits of Salmon by 1:30 and we had plenty of chances to have limits earlier. I was rewarded with my 2 fish and our biggest weighed 27lbs gilled and gutted
I have cancelled our trips for the next 3 days due to the weather. I will be back out next week when the weather allows. Call or text 408-348-4866
October 12th LIMITS
Another great day of Salmon fishing. Our party boated 3 limits to 22lbs, plus I got my 2 fish. We will be back out in the morning.
Give us a call / text and schedule your next Salmon trip only 18 days left before the season closes. 408-348-4866
October 11th
The Salmon were biting again today our party of 3 boated 5 salmon to 15lds they had lot of chances to get limits. We had great weather flat ocean and everyone had a good time. I will be back out in the morning. Give me a call or textAt 408-348-4866
October 10th LIMITS
Today our party boated 3 limits of Salmon 10-23lbs and I was rewarded with my 2 fish also. I have 2 spots left for Thursday
Call or text me at 408-348-4866
October 9th LIMITS
Today our party boated limits of Salmon 12/25 lbs and one 35lb WSB. We had great weather and the fish were bitiing. I have 2 spots left for Tuesday and plenty of room next week. Reminder Salmon season closes October 31st
Call or text me at 408-348-4866
September 29th
Our party boated 2 salmon to 15lbs and one 50lb Thresher Shark had several missed chances. Call or text 408-348-4866 to make a reservation.
September 26th COMBO
Today we did a Cod / Salmon Combo trip. Our party of 3 boated 2 salmon to 12lbs and limits of big blacks, blues, china, ling cod a great day with plenty of sunshine and flat seas.
I’ll be running both salmon and Rock Cod or Combo trips. There is a good evening bite on salmon also for those of you interested.
Call or text 408-348-4866
September 25th Rock Cod
Today our charter boated limits of big blues, blacks, lings
Have lots of room next week 408-348-4866
September 21st Almost LIMITS
Today the weather was was not the best but our party of 3 boated 5 fish to 14lbs one fish short of limits. With the wind / swell we had a pretty good day.
I have room this coming Saturday and Sunday and next week. Salmon season will close on October 31st give us call or text at
408-348-4866 to make your reservation.
September 20th SALMON LIMITS
We were back out and our charter of 4 boated limits of salmon to 22lbs. I even got my fish the bite was good and yes only a handful of boats to contend with.
September 18th
Today our private charter of 3 boated one salmon that was caught by 10 year old Noah. Its was his first salmon and all smiles. The boat traffic was unbearable in the morning but we managed to play bumper boat. This heavy boat traffic puts the fish off the bite. If this continues we will be searching south or off Pacifica
September 17th
Today our party hooked 4 salmon and landed 2 lot of boat traffic today and the area was hard to fish
September 16th, LIMITS
It doesn’t get any better than this we had LIMITS of Salmon plus my 2 fish at 8am this morning, back at the dock by 8:30. Fish were 8/15lb I have lots of room next week, there is also a late afternoon bite for those who would like to a afternoon trip, if your looking to get in on the action give me a Call or text at
September 13th. LIMITS
Today our party of 4 boated 8 salmon 10/16lbs. They hooked a total of 15 just another great day on the water. I have 3 seats left for Friday, 2 seats for Saturday. The salmon fishing is good give me a call or text at 408-348-4866
September 12th One short of LIMITS
Today our party of 3 boated 5 salmon going 10/18lbs missed a few other.
September 10th LIMITS
Today our party of 4 boated limits of salmon to 18lbs by 12:15.
haveplenty of room next week call or text me at 408-348-4866
September 5th Salmon
Had good weather today which allow us to go looking. Our party of 3 boated 3 salmon to 12lbs. They had plenty of chances for limits. We lost one fish at the boat that was every bit of 30lbs that broke off. Weather looks good this week and have plenty of room give me a call or text at 408-348-4866
September 4th Salmon
Weather was not the best today but our private party of 3 boated 1 22lb salmon
Have plenty of room for the up coming week.
September 3rd Salmon
Weather man was wrong today and we had good fishing conditions. Our party of 3 boated 5 salmon to 15lbs. Have plenty of room next week
Call or text 408-348-4866
August 25th Salmon
Today we fished off Pacifica our charter boxed 4 salmon to 12lbs and we almost put a WSB in the box but it broke off about 6′ from the boat. I have plenty of room next week call or text me at
408-348-4866. Taking Friday off
August 24th Salmon
Ran back over to the Marin side and had a tough day bite was a hit and miss if you were in the right location. Our party boated 1 salmon going 10lbs
August 23rd Salmon
Today our private charter of 3 boated 3 salmon going 13,16,18lbs off the Marin coast
August 22nd Salmon
Today was a tough day our party boated 1 salmon to 16lbs
August 21st Salmon
Today our 4 anglers boated 3 Salmon going 12,21,24lbs. Got some late info from a commercial friend and we will be checking that area out in the morning. The fish are getting bigger. I have 2 spots on Tuesday and 1 spot left on Wednesday open Thursday and Friday plus this coming weekend 27th and 28th.
Call or text 408-348-4866
August 19th Salmon
Today our charter boated 4 nice to 27lbs salmon and 1 WSB to 38lbs have plenty of room next week give me a call or text at 408-348-4866
August 16th
Today our party of 4 boated 2 salmon to 23lbs and lost a few more.
August 15th
Bite slowed down today our party of 3 hooked 4 nice fish and landed 2 to 15lbs
August 14th LIMITS
Our party of 4 boated limits of salmon today to 15lbs and 1 limit for the captain. Have Wednesday, Thursday and Friday open this week call or text 408-348-4866
August 13th Salmon
Today the bite was slower due to all the boat pressure. Our party of 4 boated 6 salmon to 17lb just couldn’t get the last 2 fish
August 12th LIMITS
Another great day on the water and the fish were biting, our party of 4 boated limits and the captain got his limits also. Fish were 10/16 lbs. Our next opening is Monday the 15th.
Call or text 408-348-4866
August 11th LIMITS
Another great day our party of 4 boated limits of salmon to 12lbs. We are completely sold out our next available day is Monday the 15th, Wednesday through Friday Call or text me at 408-348-4866
August 9th LIMITS
Today our party boated limits of salmon to 20lbs.. I have 3 spots left for Thursday.
Call or text 408-348-4866
August 7th Salmon
Salmon bite is wide open another great day limits.
Have 3 spots open for Tuesday 9th and also have 11th, 12th open
call or text 408-348-4866
August 6th Salmon
Today was a good day our party boated 5 salmon going 18lb and we released 2 more that were 21/22
March 3rd